"I'm trying to figure out exactly why you are here and what the interview is about,” Montel snapped at Savannah Morning-News intern Courtney Scott.
The talk show host, in town to promote a free prescription drug program for low-income patients, ended the press event after Courtney asked if he thought that pharmaceutical companies would be discouraged from research and development if profits were restricted.
“I'm here as a patient advocate talking about the fact that medications available today are saving people's lives, that's what's saving mine and after that, this interview is done," the multiple sclerosis-afflicted Montel said before storming out.
Later, Montel confronted Courtney and crew at his hotel, while they were covering another story.
“As we were preparing to film, Montel walked up with his bodyguard and got in Courtney Scott's face pointing his finger telling her ‘Don't look at me like that. Do you know who I am? I'm a big star, and I can look you up, find where you live and blow you up’,” said Joseph Cosey, a Web content producer for the newspaper. “At this time he was randomly pointing at all of us.”
A real classic WIA right here. While not used in a law-enforcement situation, Montel really knocked it out of the park with the whole "find where you live and blow you up" angle. If we didn't know who you were then, we do now, Montel.